Need a Ride
in Las Animas or Huerfano Counties?
We'll get you there with door-to-door shuttle service
Trinidad | Walsenburg | Pueblo | Colorado Springs*
Contact us:
Schedule a ride
Mailing address:
SCCOG Transit Dept.
300 S. Bonavenure Ave.
Trinidad, CO 81082
How Much Does it Cost?
Local Trips: $2 Each way
Trinidad to Walsenburg: $4 Each way
La Veta to Walsenburg: $3 Each way
Medicaid pays for approved trips
Adults older than 60 may qualify for free
rides through Area Agency on Aging
What Cities We Service
Local trips anywhere in Trinidad and Walsenburg
Pueblo, Walsenburg, La Veta, Aguilar, Colorado Springs*
Please contact us for more information regarding service locations, times and days.
Service in outlying areas may be unavailable or limited to coordinated routes.
Planning your trip
Please contact us at least 24 hours in advance for your trip. The more notice we have, the better service we can provide.
Remember that SCCOG Transit is NOT a taxi service. This means you may have to share your ride with other passengers, ride a little longer or get to your appointment a bit early. We try to accommodate every schedule.
Please bring cash to pay for your ride. Drivers do not carry change and do not accept tips.
Good manners are required. Passengers must not disturb others.
Be ready to go 15 minutes before your scheduled pick up time. The driver will wait no longer than 5 minutes after arrival.
Please call 719-845-1127 Monday thru Friday 8a-4p.
Grocery bags are limited to what you can personally carry.
*For specialty rides to medical appointments outside of normal service areas please contact us two weeks in advance (Colorado Springs, Pueblo, etc.)
ADA Title II
SCCOG Transit is committed to complying with all Federal Americans with Disabilities (ADA regulations as well as the State of Colorado accessibility requirements. In 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed by Congress and signed into law. This civil rights legislation entitles, among other requirements, persons with disabilities equal opportunity to participate in society. As such, public transportation agencies, like SCCOG, are required by law to provide the necessary ADA-compliant equipment and accommodations.
Title VI
SCCOG Transit is committed to ensuring that no individual is excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of its programs, activities or services, or subject to discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin as per the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
SCCOG Transit's employees are responsible for carrying out the commitment of non-discrimination including the requirements of Title VI.
This includes the following:
- To ensure that the level and quality of transportation services are provided to all;
- To promote full and fair participation in transportation decision making;
- To ensure meaningful access to SCCOG Transit's services by persons with limited English proficiency;
- To identify and address, as appropriate, the human health, social, economic and environmental effects of SCCOG transit's services and activities on all populations.
Language Access
SCCOG Transit will provide language access services at no charge to people who have limited ability to read, write or speak English and wish to utilize our services. For assistance with language access call 719-845-1127 and ask to speak to the Transit Operations Supervisor.
Reasonable Modification Policy
if you would like to request a reasonable modification to SCCOG Transit's policies, practices and/or procedures to assist in ensuring that our programs are accessible to individuals with disabilities, please send a request describing what is needed to use the service to transitinfo@sccog.net or call 719-845-1127. SCCOG Transit Staff will use the following criteria to determine if a request is reasonable: 1) the request is not a fundamental alteration of the service 2) the request is not a direct threat to the health or safety of others 3) the request is not needed by the requester to use the service; and 4) the request does not result in undue financial or administrative burden.
Filing a Complaint
For additional information on SCCOG Transit's non-discrimination obligations, or if you believe you have been subjected to discrimination under Title VI or ADA Title II and would like to file a written complaint with SCCOG Transit management, download the form below and contact us:
If you need information in alternative accessible formats, please contact our office and request the information needed.