Visit "Where can I get vaccinated" or call 1-877-COVAXCO (1-877-268-2926) for vaccine information.


Meet SCCOG Administration Staff

Jennifer Oliver, MPA - Executive Director


Jennifer was appointed as the South Central Council of Government Executive Director in April 2022.  Jennifer comes to the bi-county region from Washoe County Nevada where she has 20 years of experience working with local governments and non-profits in policy analysis, constituent services, fund development, strategic planning, community relations and volunteer coordination.  She holds a master’s degree in Public Administration and Policy Analysis with an undergraduate degree in Geography and Math. When not working you will find Jennifer hiking on local trails, singing with a local choir, advocating for public land access or in the gym lifting weights.





Amber Velasquez - Accounts Payable

Amber has been employed at SCCOG since August 2007 as Accounts Payable Specialist. She makes sure that all contractors are paid, collects and maintains the W-9 and insurance documents for contractors. Amber reconciles all agency bank accounts to make sure SCCOG balances on a monthly basis. Amber analyzes vendor accounts to ensure all invoices have been received and paid in a timely manner.