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Transportation Planning Region 14 / Development

The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) works closely with ten rural Transportation Planning Regions (TPRs) and five Metropolitan Planning Areas in setting priorities for transportation planning for Colorado. The Statewide Transportation Advisory Committee (STAC), comprised of representatives from each of these planning organizations, meets monthly to advise CDOT on the transportation planning needs of the state.
The South Central Regional Planning Commission (RPC) meets regularly to identify priority transportation projects for the South Central Transportation Planning Region (Region 14) which includes Las Animas and Huerfano Counties.
The South Central RPC is comprised of representatives of the following Government entities:
  • Huerfano County
  • Las Animas County
  • the Town of Aguilar
  • the Town of Cokedale
  • the Town of Branson
  • the town of Kim
  • the Town of La Veta
  • the City of Trinidad
  • the City of Walsenburg

South Central Council of Governments (SCCOG) provides professional and administrative support to the South Central RPC in the execution of its responsibilities as the transportation planning organization of the South Central TPR. The SCCOG Executive Director serves as the STAC representative from the South Central TPR.

In 2018, CDOT invested $9,525,804 in the South Central Transportation Planning Area.

2018 Completed Projects