Visit "Where can I get vaccinated" or call 1-877-COVAXCO (1-877-268-2926) for vaccine information.


Mission / Vision / Development

Regional Community Development Projected outcome

Las Animas and Huerfano County governments and communities have a vehicle to develop and implement solutions to regional barriers to quality community life.

Business & Business Support Organization Mission
We approach our economic development with a long-term view and seek to balance our less sustainable energy production economy with more sustainable businesses and industries that leverages unique regional resources such as local food production, outdoor recreation, green industries, as well as cultural, historical and heritage tourism.

Health and Wellness Mission
Disseminate information, and foster development of traditional and complimentary health and wellness services, resources and opportunities to meet the needs of all people in our community – with a particular focus on recreational activities, local green space, and regional parks, as engines of economic growth.

Culture, Arts & History Mission
With sustainability as a goal, enhance and support our heritage, natural resources, and creative endeavors by generating and supporting diverse cultural, historical and artistic activities, providing cultural education opportunities, and making Trinidad and Las Animas County the best arts and culture destination in Colorado – “Coal to Cool”.