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Care Services

South Central Council of Governments Care Service Programs are licensed through the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment for non-medical services in Huerfano and Las Animas Counties primarily and limited access to southern Pueblo County. These services are designed to allow the client to remain independent in their home for as long as possible with the assistance of one of our personal care providers before moving to a skilled nursing facility. Unlike skilled home health care that requires a physician’s order and the supervision of a nurse, our programs can be adapted to meet each client’s need. Our Case Management staff performs an initial client home assessment and then works with the client and family members to individually tailor a care plan to meet each client’s specific needs. In addition to the daily tasks performed, the social interaction of having a reliable caring individual in the home with the client is invaluable to their overall wellbeing and happiness. All programs are designed to offer clients and families peace of mind when establishing in-home services for loved ones.

Clients can access several funding sources to assist with the cost of care. Payment options include Medicaid Home and Community Based Services, Veterans Affairs, Third Party or Long-Term Care Insurance Plans, Private Pay or Grant assisted funding when available through the Huerfano Las Animas Area Agency on Aging.

Two administrative offices cover the service area with one office in Walsenburg and one in Trinidad. Provider staff are available to work in all areas of each county, including our most rural areas.


Care Services Projected outcome

All residents of Las Animas and Huerfano Counties have access to a safe, sanitary home environments to maintain independent living.